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Harmony in the future of investments.

We envision a future based on the harmony between environmental sustainability and economic growth. At Sica, we will invest harmoniously in environmental sustainability and economic growth, preserving the planet for future generations, improving technologies, and strengthening our presence in the market. The harmony between sustainability and economic development will guide our future choices.

How we invest in the future.

In Sica we firmly believe that environmental sustainability represents a challenge and a great opportunity for our future. For this reason, we intend to invest more and more in sustainable technologies in order to reduce the environmental impact of our activities. For example, we are working to improve the energy efficiency of our production processes and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, we are exploring new sources of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, to power our activities in a more sustainable way.
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    We will continue to invest in sustainable technologies to reduce the environmental impact of our activities.

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    We will enhance the training of our employees to improve their skills and productivity.

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    We will develop new skills to better tackle the challenges of the future.

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    We will commit to using resources responsibly to preserve the planet for future generations.

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    We will minimize the environmental impact of our activities, for example by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Discover more about our
investments in innovative technologies and our
strategy for environmental sustainability.

Investments in the training of our employees.

At Sica, we believe that the training and development of our employees are crucial aspects for the future of the company.

For this reason, we intend to invest more and more in the training of our employees to improve their skills and productivity. In particular, we are working to enhance digital training and develop new skills that will enable us to better face the challenges of the future. We are convinced that the success of the company also depends on the quality of our staff, and investing in their training is therefore a fundamental strategic choice.

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For 60 years,
innovators in the world of the canning industry.